
The productive sector and the student profile itself have undergone major changes in recent years with the need to offer a course that follows this evolution in a balanced and integral way, such as the Dairy Science and Technology course, with an average four (4) years. The Dairy Science and Technology course is part of an adjustable structure based on interdisciplinarity, a link between theoretical and practical contents, concern for the environment and sustainable development practice, appreciation of the human being, as well as social and political integration . The course is the result of continuous discussion over the last few years between all those involved in the process, ie academics, faculty members of the Department of Food Science and Technology and the Teaching Board and will serve as an object for possible suggested changes by the academic community contribute to its improvement.

Coordenação do Programa: CLEUBER RAIMUNDO DA SILVA

Telefone/Ramal: (32) 3571-5480 | (32) 3571-5413

E-mail: cleuber.raimundo@ifsudestemg.edu.br

Título do Profissional: Bacharel em Ciência e Tecnologia de Laticínios Área de Conhecimento CNPQ: Ciências Agrárias Convênio Acadêmico : Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento Modalidade de Curso: Presencial Endereço Alternativo: https://sig.ifsudestemg.edu.br/sigaa/public/curso/portal.jsf?id=528384&lc=pt_BR&nivel=G
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